► ►
Blood vessels
C ranial base
C ra n ia l nerves
M eninges
P arts of the brain
Pathways of the spinal cord
Fibrae thalamoparietales
Fibrae thalamoparietales
N trigeminus [V]
Nuclei nervi trigemini
Decussatio lemniscorum
Nucleus gracilis
Fasciculus gracilis
Fasciculus cuneatus
Nucleus cuneatus
-Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
-Tractus spinothalamicus anterior
-Tractus spinoreticularis
-Tractus spinotectalis
-Tractus spinoolivaris
' anterolateralis)
Gyrus postcentralis
Gyrus postcentralis
Lemniscus medialis
Ganglion sensorium
nervi spinalis
Nucleus centralis
N spinalis
Fig. 613
Pathways for epicritic (blue) and protopathic (green) sensibility.
Ascending pathways
Pathway for epicritic sensibility (tactile pathway)
(Precise differentiation of pressure and touch)
neuron (uncrossed)
From receptors (exteroceptors) in the skin and the mucosa, as well as the periosteum, the joints and the muscle
spindles etc., to the cuneate and gracile nucleus in the medulla oblongata: gracile and cuneate fasciculus (perikarya
in the spinal ganglia): descending collaterals (see Fig. 612)
neuron (crossed)
From the medulla oblongata (cuneate and gracile nucleus) to the thalamus (medial lemniscus, perikarya in the
cuneate and gracile nucleus)
neuron (uncrossed) From the thalamus to the cerebral cortex, particularly to the postcentral gyrus (thalamocortical
fibres, perikarya in the thalamus).
Pathway for protopathic sensibility (pain pathway)
(Pain, temperature, general pressure sensation)
neuron (uncrossed)
From receptors (exteroceptors) of the skin and the mucosa etc., to the posterior horn, laminae l-V (perikarya in the
spinal ganglia)
neuron (crossed, some fibres possibly uncrossed)
From the posterior horn to the thalamus, in the reticular formation and to the midbrain tectum (anterior and lateral
spinothalamic tracts, spinoreticular tract, spinotectal tract; perikarya in the posterior column).
neuron (uncrossed)
From the thalamus among others to the cerebral cortex, particularly to the postcentral gyrus (thalamocortical fibres,
perikarya in the thalamus).